In a new interview Gary Oldman briefly discusses Harry Potter and Dan, Emma & Rupert. He says:
I just think that the whole series is a mindbending achievement. It’s phenomenal that it’s been going for as long as it’s been going for. Ten years, seven films, and they’ve pretty well kept all the cast.
That is just a feat unto itself because these kids – Emma, Dan and Rupert – have gone through puberty and life lessons. There could have been drug addiction and all sorts of horrific things, but they kept all of these kids and they all have their heads on straight.
Who would have known that the three of them would continue to have the chops that we saw they had when they were first cast at 10 years of age and make it all the way through, holding the screen the way that they have. I give them props and I tip my hat to them. Job well done!
Filed Under: Gary Oldman |