It’s day three of Universal Orlando Resort’s creature reveals for Hagrid’s Magical Motorbike Adventure! Today’s “creature” is actually a plant – the Devil’s Snare!

While Devil’s Snare isn’t a creature, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to mention this perilous plant from the wizarding world – often strangling people who touch it with its dexterous vines. Devil’s Snare flourishes in damp, dark environments and it has a strong dislike of light and fire – remember that for your journey!

Speaking of your journey, Devil’s Snare is one of the many challenges you’ll face on Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure. You may even find yourself entangled in a thicket of this dangerous plant but remember to remain calm! If you don’t, you may end up entangled in hundreds of its vines…

Check back tomorrow for the next creature reveal!

Filed Under: Universal Orlando Resort, Wizarding World of Harry Potter