On Thursday December 1st Warwick Davis (Professor Flitwick and Griphook), James and Oliver Phelps (Fred and George Weasley), Jessie Cave (Lavender Brown), and Mark Williams (Arthur Weasley) made a special appearance at The Harry Potter Shop in Harrods and harrods.com interviewed them exclusively at the event. Harrods have also sent us a few photos from the event which you may view in the gallery!
What is the funniest anecdote you have from the Harry Potter films?
Jessie Cave (Lavender Brown): I remember filming a scene where Rupert and I had to run up a stairwell and then we had to stop and kiss and then keep running. But there’s no wall so there was just a guy standing on the floor holding his arms out just in case one of us fell. I remember thinking ‘this is Rupert Grint, surely if he falls this is going to be bad! I’m okay if I fall!’
If you could play another character in the film, who would you play?
MW: It changes all the time but I quite fancy the idea of being Bellatrix. Because she obviously just had great fun doing it, didn’t she? Caffeine mad that woman!
OP: I’d quite like to play someone like Krum in The Goblet of Fire.
MW: He’s just so cool, isn’t he? How can someone be that cool?
JC: Dolores Umbridge, definitely. Just so wacky, with that cats and the kitsch costumes.
JP: Either George or Dobby.
WD: Professor Snape – “you have your mother’s eyes”.
Did you all have to read the books before you made the films?
MW: I confess, before I was in the film I read the books avidly, after I was in the film, they became homework.
JP: It did help though because you knew that even if a certain story wasn’t in the film, you could still know where you got to. You could play into it and act accordingly. I think they said that if they were to make the first book, The Philosopher’s Stone, into a script it would be seven hours long. So who knows how many days the last one would have been.
MW: The eight films are 19 hours and 30 minutes in total.
WD: There’ll be fans doing marathons like that.
Thanks to Harrods for emailing with the news!
Filed Under: Deathly Hallows, James and Oliver Phelps, Jessie Cave, Warwick Davis |