A bunch of Harry Potter stars have taken part in this year’s National Doodle Day by drawing a doodle that will be sold for charity! Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), Ian Hart (Professor Quirrel) Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom), Miriam Margolyes (Professor Sprout), Richard Griffiths (Uncle Vernon), Roger Lloyd Pack (Barty Crouch Sr.), Katie Leung (Cho Chang), Oliver Phelps (George Weasley) and Dave Legeno (Fenrir) have participated!

Visit the National Doodle Day website to see a gallery of all doodles that were donated.The doodles will be auctioned off tomorrow, March 5th, on eBay. (I will update this with a link to the doodles when they are on ebay)

Thanks to Leaky for the info!

UPDATE: Go here to bid on the auctions!

Filed Under: Bonnie Wright, James and Oliver Phelps, Katie Leung, Matthew Lewis, Richard Griffiths