Hey everyone, you’ll never guess where I am! Well actually, if you know how mischievous I am, you could probably imagine that I am in London.

The other night when I couldn’t reach my cell phone I decided to try some wand-less magic to get my phone. So I said, “Accio!” and my phone flew right into my hands! So I decided that I would come here to London to test out my powers. I was going to apparate but I didn’t want to risk splinching myself so I got the broom out of our closet and flew all the way to London, good thing it is spring time otherwise I would have froze to death over night.I had to place a Disillusionment Charm on myself so that people wouldn’t see me flying, because how weird would that be?

It worked so well that I decided I would try to get into the building where the book is being published at Bloomsbury. I waited until the middle of the night to begin my quest for the manuscript. I was very nervous and had to make sure I didn’t bump into anything or anyone or I would have been caught by the night guards who are there 24 hours a day to make sure no one can see the book. I accidentally squeaked the door when it opened, but luckily the window was opened so they thought it was the wind. I quickly grabbed one of the manuscripts that was in a pile on the floor and darted out! But just as I was about to leave the building an alarm went off!

Apparently there was a tracking device inside the pages and it set off the alarm the minute I left the building. I needed to get out of their fast so I apparated and ended up in Florida at my friend Jenny’s house! We both read the manuscript together and cried our eyes out.

We don’t want to spoil anything for you right now, we’ll just tell you that a badly cast spell in Chapter 2 puts Harry in a vegetative state so he’s stuck in a bed next to Gilderoy at St. Mungo’s where he remains until he’s cured in the chapter before last.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows manuscript

Filed Under: April Fools!, Books, Site