Ron Weasley
Full Name: Ronald Bilius Weasley
Birthday: March 1, 1980
Wife: Hermione Granger
Children: Hugo, Rose
Parents: Molly(Prewett) and Arthur Weasley
Siblings:in order of age: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred/George, Ginny
Other Relatives: Bilius, Muriel, Gideon and Fabian Prewett
Pets: Scabbers(1,2,3), Pigwideon the Owl(3rd year+)
Appearance: Blue Eyes, Flaming Red hair, tall, thin, frekled, big nose
Occupation: Auror, and helping George at WWW
At Hogwarts:
Wand: Willow with 1 unicorn tail-hair
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch Position: Keeper(5th year+)
Broomstick: Cleansweep 11(5th year+)
Patronus: Jack Russell terrier
Boggart: Spider
Other Items: Wizard Chess Set
Honors: Special Services to School, Prefect(fifth, sixth)
Defence Against the Dark Arts A or E
Care of Magical Creatures A or E
Charms A or E
Herbology A or E
Potions A or E
Transfiguration A or E
Astronomy A or E
Divination P, D or T
History of Magic P, D or T