Hermione Granger
Full Name: Hermione Jean Granger
Birthday: September 19, 1979
Husband: Ron Weasley
Children: Hugo, Rose
Parents: unnamed muggles
Pet: Crookshanks the Cat(3rd year+)
Appearance: Brown Eyes, Brown bushy hair, large front teeth
Occupation: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
At Hogwarts:
Wand: Vine Wood with dragon heartstring
House: Gryffindor
Patronus: Otter
Boggart: McGonagall telling her she failed
Amortentia smells: freshly mown grass and new parchment and ...
Other Items: Time Turner(3rd)
Honors: Prefect(fifth, sixth)
OWLs: also known as Ordinary Wiarding Levels
Care of Magical Creatures Outstanding
Charms Outstanding
Herbology Outstanding
Potions Outstanding
Transfiguration Outstanding
Astronomy Outstanding
Arithmancy Outstanding
History of Magic Outstanding
Unknown Outstanding
Defence Against the Dark Arts Exeeds Expectation