TBS and Cartoon Network have released a first look Harry Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of Houses, hosted by Dame Helen Mirren. The four-part competition series will debut a new episode every Sunday, beginning Nov. 28 through Dec. 19, on TBS and as part of Cartoon Network’s ACME Night. It will be available on HBO Max early next year.
Nearly two decades since the global critical and box office hit of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of Houses celebrates the 20th anniversary of the film and continues the Wizarding World spirit showcasing ultimate fan glory on a never-before-seen scale. Featuring hundreds of trivia questions and special guest surprises, this unforgettable event of a lifetime will unveil which fans know the vast, intricately detailed universe like the back of their hand as they compete to take home the title of House Cup Champion.