Empire has released a new video interview (and a text version) with Rupert Grint that was done during his photoshoot for the Harry Potter Ultimate Celebration issue. They also released a larger version of Rupert’s solo shot, see that in the gallery.

What was it like shooting that final battle?
The way we filmed it was confusing, because we filmed both parts simultaneously. So some days we’d be doing a Part One scene, then a huge battle. It was quite hard to keep track of what was going on in Part Two, so I’ll be quite interested to see how it’s all been put together. But the battle sequences are great, I think. It was just so big and epic; there was one scene in the courtyard where it’s one big, continuous shot and they have five cameras picking up everything, and there’s giants and fire and big craters. Even for Harry Potter, it felt really huge. These sets, they did actually destroy them. The rubble you see is actually the set falling apart. It’s quite weird seeing all these sets that I’ve grown up in as piles of rubble, there’s something strange about that. But it’s going to be amazing.

Filed Under: Deathly Hallows, Rupert Grint