In a promotional interview with BBC Radio 1’s Newsbeat, Bill Nighy confirmed that he will start filming Deathly Hallows next week, Bill will be playing Rufus Scrimgeour.

You’ve also finally got yourself in a Harry Potter film…

Yes I did. I was beginning to worry. I was beginning to feel a tiny bit excluded.  I think they ran out of English actors. I was the only English actor of a certain age who wasn’t in Harry Potter and now I’m in Harry Potter so I’m very happy.  I start filming next week and I’ve been in for costume fittings and things. I can’t tell you too much about it because they do literally, I think they kill me or take my house or something if I tell you anything too much. And for good reasons, so that it all comes as a bit of a surprise.

I grew up with nearly everybody in the movies, I know all of the people in there, obviously because they’re part of the English acting community and it’s nice to be a part of it.

Thanks MN!

Filed Under: Bill Nighy