Helen McCrory, who will be playing Narcissa Malfoy in Half-Blood Prince, recently participated in a radio interview with BBC4. Harry Potter’s Page  wrote up a brief synopsis of the interview.

In the interview, she said she had a fantastic time filming Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. She said that she doesn’t get to fly, but that she does have a wand. She said the wands are very interesting, as they’re brought to her in a box, she uses it, and then she must put the wand back in the box. The box is then put into a safe. She said the costumes are fantastic, rather a 50s style. She said she enjoyed working with the other Harry Potter actors, including Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange) and Alan Rickman (Snape), whom she called very ‘laid back’.

Filed Under: Helen McCrory