Michael Goldenberg, the screenwriter for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix has done a new interview.

Mr. Goldenberg’s thoughts on when offered the fifth movie:

It was one of those things where the call came in, and you’re thrilled, but at the same time there’s that moment of realizing you’ve just lost control of your life for the next couple of years.

And so when I read it, I was very aware of that and very careful to mark up what jumped out at me and what seemed obligatory and what really moved me and what I felt needed to be in the movie.

Goldenberg one of the most pivotal scenes, the pensieve:

…that kind of loss of innocence – seeing a parent whom you’ve idolized suddenly revealed as flawed, and an authority like Snape, whom you’ve demonized, suddenly revealed as much more complicated than you first thought.

See the scans HERE courtesy of HPANA

Filed Under: Michael Goldenberg, Order of the Phoenix